Friday, September 14, 2012

Time Management

Hello there. This week's topic is, obviously, time management! Clearly this is something most, if not all new college students struggle with. Personally, my biggest time management problem is juggling the things I want to do with the things I need to do. This is been a big struggle for me because I was one of those students who never had to study through high school so I always had plenty of extra time. Now I am having to work harder because there is more work to be done there was in high school and the work requires more effort. More effort means more time. More time with schoolwork means less time for fun stuff. I've found that it is much easier for me to get a lot of work done with these tips. If you have a short break between classes try to get a few problems done. The more you do this the less you have to do when classes are over. If you have a long break between classes go find a place with few distractions (like friends who want you to go to Starbucks) and sit and work on your homework for a while. When you're working on your homework for a long time, stop about every half-hour and take a 10 minute break. If you have a lot of homework you can lengthen the time between breaks of shorten it if you only have a little. During these breaks you can reward yourself by getting a snack, talking to your friends, or looking up cute cat videos on youtube. Beware though, don't get caught up in your break, make sure that within 10 minutes you go back to work. After you've been working for a while, if you still havn't finished everything lessen the frequency of your breaks, it'll be incentive to get done. And lastly, don't allow yourself to procrastinate. I know you've heard this over and over but procrastinating can really hurt you. I'm not saying that you couldn't get it all done, but do you really want to be stuck in your room late on a Friday night finishing up that paper that's due at 10:00? Just tackle it a little at a time and it'll be done, eventually. See you next time.


  1. You give some really good advice, Allison. I appreciate your distinction between stuff you NEED to do and stuff you WANT to do. And I, too, try to do small tasks during the cracks of the day--when I was teaching Musicianship, I'd do my MacGamut while waiting for my daughter to get out of school. I might have only been able to do a few bits of it, but over time it really added up!

    The proofreading is much better--thank you. Now consider your use/non-use of commas. :-)

  2. Allison, you did such a good job writing your blog!! I could relate to it, and it was ver easy to follow along with! The only comment I would make is also just to decide where you really need commas, and where you don't! :) Good job!

  3. Allison, your advice for time management is great, and your writing is really relatable. I definitely agree with using even the smallest minute to do things that you NEED to do so that you can use more minutes to do things you WANT to do! It was really enjoyable reading your posts. We should catch coffee or a quick little goodie sometime! See you Monday!(:

  4. That's awesome advice. I'm totally going to try them out. I always get that slap in the face at night when I realize that I have loads of homework to do and end up procrastinating. It really is good advice. See you later, Twin.
