Saturday, October 27, 2012

Converse Traditions

Hello again everyone. This week's topic is traditions. Since it was 1889 week we were able to experience several Converse traditions. It was all good and fun, but I’m just looking forward to the Halloween party next week. I love Halloween because it’s an excuse to wear whatever I want and to eat as much chocolate as I can hold. I have a Halloween tradition of my own that I keep. Every year when it comes time to dress up, I make my own costume. I don’t go out and buy a box costume. I mean who wants to go a party just to find out that somebody has the same costume they do. Plus, have you priced costumes? They cost way too much. So, every Halloween I jar up whatever creativity I can muster and make the best costume I can. I have already made my costume for the party on Wednesday. I think this would be a cool tradition to start at Converse. My idea is that we should start a tradition that every year on Halloween we should make our own costumes and wear them the Halloween party. That way we can all show off our creativity and come up with our own costumes that express us! It doesn’t take a whole lot of work. If you’re proficient at sewing you can just but some things at Wal-Mart and put them together for your own unique design. You can also just take some old clothes that you don’t wear anymore and try to make something with those. Think of how much fun it would be to see what everyone came up with, instead of just seeing how much money they spent at party city. Now I’m not saying that it’s bad to go buy a costume, I’m just saying that it would be fun. You could learn a lot about a person based on what they created. Plus, as college students we’re all on a budget, and this is a great way to save some money. So that’s my idea for Converse’s next big tradition, see ya!


  1. I am very crafty and love making my own things. My mom and I have been making my own costumes since I was little, which makes this a wonderful idea! You would also be able to learn a lot about everyone else which is always a great thing!

  2. I rarely ever buy a full costume set for Halloween mostly because they never have what I want to be. I think making our own costumes is a cool idea and would make people appreciate the holiday even more.

  3. I love this idea. It would be awesome to see what everyone came up with as a costume. I've never actually made my own costume, but it's a great idea for saving money!

  4. I completely agree with the "make-your-own-costume" thing, as anyone who's observed my child over the years knows. And I really enjoy seeing the Converse students in their costumes, too.
